Sport Injury

Even if you're a well-seasoned athlete in top shape, you will likely experience a sports injury at some point in your athletic career. Even then, your injury doesn't need to break you. Proper care and attention to the issue by a trained chiropractor can significantly speed up your recovery time and decrease your pain. At Active Wellness Chiropractic center, our chiropractor has years of experience offering athletes in Oakland, CA, sports injury treatment.


Common Sports Injuries

The most common sports-related injuries that chiropractors in Oakland treat are dislocations, sprains, and strains. All of these conditions affect the placement, location, and movement of bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. The good news is that treatment from a chiropractor will typically resolve these issues before they become serious. 

Chiropractic Care

Dr. Burg will assess your functional movement to help correct your sports injury. Receiving treatment from our chiropractor in Oakland means your treatment will be non-intrusive and medicine-free. Chiropractic treatment boosts the body’s natural healing properties, making it an attractive option for sports injury recovery. This not only treats the current injury but helps prevent future injuries from occurring. Sports injury treatment targets joints and muscles to ease tension, overextension, and more.

Each session lasts between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on your schedule and your personal needs. Chiropractic care is long-term oriented and permanent, whereas other sports injury treatments like cortisone shots are only temporary. Chiropractic care is the safest and most effective method of addressing sports injuries.


Our chiropractic care plans include Active Release Techniques, kinesiotaping, and Graston techniques. The specific combination of services our chiropractor will perform depends on each athlete’s lifestyle and injury history. While our first aim is to relieve your pain, the ultimate goal of our chiropractic care is to make you a better athlete than you were pre-injury. Following adjustment, your body will move more fluidly, allowing for greater precision while also minimizing the risk of re-injury.

Visit Our Chiropractor Today

If you have suffered from a sports injury in the Oakland, CA, area, Active Wellness Chiropractic Center can help. Through a combination of effective chiropractic techniques, our team will have you back on your feet and competing as soon as possible. For more information about sports injury treatment, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (510) 601-6330 or visit us online.


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9:30 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Open once a month 10:00am-4:00pm