Whiplash FAQs

Whiplash FAQs

Neck injuries are more common than people think. A slip and fall, sports accident, or car accident can easily cause whiplash. Although some cases of whiplash resolve on their own, many require treatment. At Active Wellness Chiropractic Center in Oakland, we offer chiropractic pain relief for whiplash injuries. These FAQs provide more information about this condition.

What is whiplash? 

Whiplash is a neck injury that can occur when your head is thrust forward and back uncontrollably due to an accident or rapid movement. Slip and falls, car accidents, and sports collisions are common causes of whiplash.

Can whiplash cause serious damage? 

Whiplash can damage the muscles and tissues in your neck. Severe cases may cause dislocation of your cervical vertebrae, impaired joints, or misalignments in your spine. If spinal misalignments pinch your nerves, you may experience severe pain, discomfort, and loss of body function.

If you suffer from neck or back pain due to a car accident or other incident, contact our chiropractor for a diagnosis of your condition. The sooner whiplash is diagnosed, the sooner you can get treatment for pain relief.

What are some common symptoms of whiplash?

Whiplash symptoms may be mild or severe, depending on the severity of your injury. Some people feel pain right away while others don’t experience symptoms until weeks later. Common symptoms include:

  • Neck or back pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headaches/dizziness
  • Tingling or numbness in your arms
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Limited mobility in your neck or spine

How is whiplash treated?

Your Oakland chiropractor is well-versed in treating musculoskeletal injuries like whiplash. Our treatments make use of chiropractic techniques and other natural therapies to reduce pain and help you heal. Spinal adjustments are used to correct misalignments that are compressing spinal nerves. Massage therapy loosens tense muscles in your neck to relieve pain, minimize spasms, and improve mobility. Myofascial release can be used to relax contracted muscles, improve blood circulation, and help your lymphatic circulation. Corrective exercises strengthen neck muscles and joints to help prevent future injuries.

See Our Oakland Chiropractor for Whiplash Treatment

To schedule an appointment for whiplash diagnosis and treatment, contact Active Wellness Chiropractic Center in Oakland at 510-601-6330.


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